domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2008

I have a job

hello friend! How are you doing?

Let me tell you a about the wekend, well actuly I am stdiying a major in teachig English because I like to teach and help people.

The last Tursdeay I had a call from a afriend, it call had as propous asked me to work whit him in a open high school on wekends, so I said yes but one hour later my mind gets a little comfuse because I had never worked.

I bigining to feel scare but I thought in some words that my father toll me when I was a child. "You can not live whit fear and before achieve you must belive."

The group that I have is big, it has 30 students, their age is between 18 to 30,so you can see that the work is no so easy but i know that I can make it.
I hev to go because I have to preapre my next classes inforn of my group.
Okay that is all for now. bye.

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