sábado, 18 de octubre de 2008

The interfacultades.

Hello everyone!

In this ocation I wan to talk abaut an activitie that the college have every new semesters the interfacultades. I know that someone does not know what it is, well here you have a shore introduction. The interfacultades are games where all the Academics units take part in order to find the betters players.They conform the big selection that represent the college. I am coursing the fiveth semester and when I was in the high schol I use to playe basketbal and after that I left it. After 3 years ago in this semester I played my first interfacultades in basktball with the team of AUCJS. The team had a good begining and won 4 games but thes last 3 games lost them.

I had decide to leaf the basketball again after finish the games because I don have enough time. Yesterday was the last wame and thaught me a beautifull thing that I had forgotten.I love basketball because it makes me feel ok.We lost the game 42 to 32points but I made 10 pints.
so have changed my idea of left the team.

Boys and Gerls the baketball is the best game around the world!

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