martes, 18 de noviembre de 2008


El presente blog es una actividad que el profesor de Ingles Juan enrique Cabrales nos sugirió para mejorar nuestra escritura del idioma ingles. Yo se que lo escrito no es perfecto pero me ha ayudado a darme cuenta que no es lo mismo escribir en Ingles y en Español.
Creo que esta fue una muy buena forma y divertida para el desarrollar de la habilitada de mi escritura en el idioma inglés.
En esta última entrada de igual forma quiero agradecer al profesor de la materia ya que ha sido de gran ayuda en mi desempeño del presente curso por que he aprendido muchas cosas nuevas y decirle que si el próximo semestre se le designa al 6 semestre es bienvenido al grupo.
Los dejo con este pensamiento que me gusta mucho.

"Do not drive more fast than you guardian angel can fly"

Hasta luego.


Hi, boys and girls.

As you know on november 2nd most of the people in mexico celebrate the Day of the Dead.
I say most of the people because many of them have forgotten the celebration and they have changed the Mexican tradition for the American celebration.
Today, I want to share something about myself.
Well, Icome from a small town. So, I have differents customs than a person from the city.
I will tell you some about my custom. In my town, in this huge celebration people go to the grave yard to visit their dead and pray for them. They share with them all the things their dead liked when they were live, spetialy food such as bread mole tanales chocolate and fruit of all kinds.
People built in their house and the graveyard an arch with spetial flowers called "sempuasuchitl" and leaves.The arch represent the gate to the sky. I know that many people from the citty do not believe but I grew up believing in this custome, so I believe it.
Well in this year I could not go to my town because I had lots of homework and also I have to work on weekends, but after all, i am so happy because my father came to Tampico on Sunday and bruoght me many things from my town. He came only for one day but we went to the beach ant we took a lot of photos. On Monday morning he returned back home because he has to work but I was so happy spending time with him.

Ok that´s all for now, bye


Day of the dead

Hi, boys.

As you know on November 2nd the majority of the people in Mexico celebrate the Day of the dead.
I say the majority of the people because many of them have forgotten the celebration and they
have changed the custom for the Halloween.
Today I want to share one thing about me out of the city.
Well, I come from a small town, so I have a different custom than
a person of the city.
I will tell you some thing about my custom, In my town. In this great celebration people go to the graveyard to visit their dead and pray for them, share whit them all the things that their dead liked in live, especially food such as bread mole tamales chocolate and fruits of any kinds.
People in their hoses and the graveyard make an arch whit an especial flower called sempuasochitl and palma.
The arch represents the gate of the sky. I know that many people of the city this is only a legend but I grew up in this custom, so I believe it.
Well, this year I could go to my town because of I have o lot of homework and I have to work on weekends, but after all I am so happy because my father come to Tampico on Sunday and brought me many things from my town.
He comes only for one day but we could go to the beach and took
a lot of photos.
Monday’s morning he returns at home because he has to work but I am so happy.

Ok that’s all for now. Bye.

miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2008


This is an example of a letter of complaint, that was made by the group of 5th semester.

Dear Sir or Madame:

Last weekend my girfrien and I arrived at your popular cafetreia looking for a very nice time to espend together the motto in your window reads "where your frinds are are as spetial as you are," unfortunately your service that day did not reflect those words.

As soon as we arrived there we had chanse at a table and we waiting for almost half an hour for a waiter.

there were not to many people for this happen but I have to point out that the music was good and this help us to be patient. However, when we were finally serviced the waiter spill a cop of coffe of my new brown jacket. It cost it me 50 dollars to have it cleaned. My jacket does not look that good any more.I had never had an experience such as this anywhere.

I hope you can underteand my complaint because I want you to refound the money for another brownd new jacket.

Sincerely yours.

Pedro Garcia.


This an example of the book. I only added some paragraph that was mess.

Dear Sir or Madame:

On july 16 my friends and I arrived at your inn hoping to spend an enjoyable weekend. unfortunately, because of your service, our weekend was a disaster. Since your ad says "have a fabulous time or get your money back," I am recuesting that that you refound uor money.

fron the moment we arrived, there were problems wiht the service. first, a very unfrienly desk clerk could not find our reservation. After waiting almost half an hour, we were led by another unfrienly clerk to our room. the room, which had a view of a parking lot instead of the bay, had not yet cigarette butts in the ashtrays. Dispite these problem, none of your employees apologized to us. This was not the weekend we had been looking forwar to.

service at your inn was not alwais like this. My previous visits were always enjoyable because of the courteuos service and clean rooms with beautiful views. Until things change at your inn, I will never recommend it to anyone. I expect to receive my refound shortly.

sincerely yours,

Pedro Garcia.

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2008


Hi, friends. how are you doing?.

Maybe this is only a simple thouht but for me is really beatiful, so I want to shere it wiht you.

To dream anything that you want to dream, that is the beauty of human mind.To do anything you want to do that is the strenght of the human will that is the courage to succed.

miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2008


1.- Why do you think so many people turned down Bowerman's idea?
I think that many people turned down bowersman's idea because they tought that his idea cuold not be success. they wanted to get money not lost and the Browerman's idea does not look as a good business.
2.- Why do you think Smith's profesor gave him a C on the project?
Maybe Smith's profesor found the projec a very good idea, so he traid to steal Smith's idea.
3.- Which idea had led to the most imitation?
I think the atletis shoes because every body use shoes, so the differents shoes companies have tried to get mony looking for news styles and models.
4.- Do you have any ideas for new producs ore service? what are they?
I would like to create a robot that knows how to cook and make the bed.